Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Wish You Were Here

Wish you were here.
A customary salutation adorning humorous or scenery filled postcards, maybe. A longing for the companionship of a remote special friend, maybe. Or the title of a track from the identically named Pink Floyd album, yes.
This is my all time favourite song; a guaranteed shivers down the backbone, close my eyes and live the music thing. Beautiful music, haunting lyrics and a treasured memory.
It was August 1988, Wembley Stadium, Pink Floyd's A Momentary Lapse of Reason tour. Sat on the (tarpaulin covered) hallowed turf, singing along with 80,000 fans. David Gilmour had, microphone held out, invited the audience to sing along to Wish You Were Here. After the first line was sung he starts to sing but finds 80,000 people have taken the lead, he shrugs and signals carry on...

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