Thursday, 28 February 2008


Atonement; here was a movie that was going to pass me by. It had won a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, was nominated for Oscars, but managed to stay well under my radar. Until the day a colleague tells me he was soon to see it as a birthday treat for his wife. He's not really looking forward it, "sounds a bit girly". I say that I think good things have been said about it and I'll have a look around the internets. Yes, sure enough there were good reviews all round, but for me the clincher was a 5 star (top) rating from my favourite critics; The Radio Times Film Guide. So, I send him away with a glowing recommendation, he'll be fine it'll definitely be worth watching.
Days pass. He has seen it, "Rubbish..." is the well considered review, "Slow, odd start. Poor ending." Well, I guessed that meant I needn't bother now. No, I am now being told that I must watch it to prove to myself that the critics were wrong. Fair enough, onto the DVD rental list it goes.
Days pass. I mention the movie to a friend, "Don't bother, poor middle, and an ending that pissed me off... a waste of two hours sleep on a long flight." Heck, what have I let myself in for?
Days pass. The movie arrives, I sit down and give it a fair trial. What did I think? Excellent movie! Well worth the 5 stars, loved it. I won't do spoilers so will have to be a bit vague in my descriptions. The setting and style of the first half was pretty good, very believable characters, and the cleverest flash-backs used in a movie I have ever seen. The second half was a huge change of scene and mood covering revelations and separation in a quite captivating way. The cinematography here was pretty special too. Nearing the end of the film I am left wondering how atonement can be made, I want it to happen but can't see how. Then the wow moment, a final switch, an explanation, and the end. Whoa, I was stunned. A movie that made me live the moment, 8.5 out of 10.
As for my colleague, well I didn't think he was the sort of chap to decry a movie that has a principle character deflowered in the library of a stately home, but he did. It takes all sorts I guess...

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